- Developing new land survey techniques and policies
- Assessing human capacity development needs in line with the changing professional demands
iii. Supervising research of new and emerging technologies
- Verifying cadastral, adjudication, topographical, sub- divisional schemes, photo
- engineering surveys
- Carrying out quality control of astronomical, gravity, magnetic, cadastral, VLBI observations, adjudication and general boundary surveys
vii. Calibrating and certifying survey equipment.
viii. Estimating and costing of survey projects.
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: -
- Have at least eighteen (18) years of experience of which five (5) should be in Public Service
- Bachelors degree in any of the following disciplines: Land surveying and photogrammetry, Geomatic, Geomatics Engineering. Technology in Geomatics, Technology in Geo-informatics, Geo- spatial Engineering. Philosophy in Technology (Survey) from a recognized institution.
iii. Masters in any of the following disciplines: Land Surveying, Land management. Cartography, Photogrammetry, Photolithography, Geomatic, Geomatic Engineering, Technology in Geomatics. Technology in Geoinformatics, Geo- spatial Engineering, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Urban or Regional Planning, Geodesy, Hydrography. Environmental Science, Information Science or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
- Full membership of the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya (MISK).
- Certificate in computer application skills from a recognized institution;
Applications must be received on or before 22nd August 2024 by 5:00 P.M. Any applications tendered later than the above date and time will not be able to upload.